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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  August 4, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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anti-virus software and software to find malicious programs is ineffective. the industry has not created products that are meaningful and effective in stopping a sophisticated hacker. they are stopping the guys who are going after the low-hanging are going after the low-hanging fruit. -- captions by vitac -- you are in the cnn news room. we are awaiting the official word of the professional fate of alex rodriguez. even though major league baseball is being quiet about their decision to suspend the star infielder, multiple media outlets are saying that suspensions are coming as early as monday. a-rod is out for at least 215 games. that means he'll be watching his yankees play at least until the
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2015 season. let's bring in rachel nichols from cnn sports. was a-rod ever in danger of a lifetime ban as many had predicted? >> the lifetime ban was leaked to the media last week when major league baseball was trying to get a-rod to come to the bargaining table. you may be saying this is a suspension when you were a teenager you didn't have a bargain about it ahead of time. but what major league baseball was trying to do is reach an agreement with several players to have a suspension that enough that they would not try to appeal it. it's going to be messy. all the dirty details were going to come out. and baseball was willing to give a lesser suspension if they agreed to accept the amount and all done. alex rodriguez not agreeing to any of that like several players did. instead this is going to be, well, messy, you reported the
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amount of games that is projected for alex to be suspended. but alex is on the way to chicago to try to play tomorrow night. so baseball is going to try to suspend him and then we expect a-rod's lawyers to file an injunction to stop the suspension. it's going to be interesting to see how they try to suspend him. usually suspensionings related to drug offenses are done under the collective bargaining agreement and players can play while they are suspended. that probably won't be the case with a-rod. we are expecting him to be suspended under the commissioner's power and would not be able to play during the appeal. this is the mess that baseball was trying to avoid but it didn't happen. >> yes, messy, i should say,
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indeed. "usa today" saying he will appeal immediately. tell us about the clinic in florida that a-rod is linked to. does it let them off the hook? >> the die bye owe genesis clinic has been cooperating with major league baseball. that's how this dominos set started to fall. he handed over records, material, his own testimony and that is why these players have, quote, agreed to their suspensions, because baseball just sat there with all of this evidence that the clinic's founder has given them saying we got you. you might as well agree to it now. tony bosch while he is now clear of major league baseball doesn't mean he is clear of the federal government or the state government in florida. initially the governments said they weren't going to get involve in this, but when reports came out last week that his clinic may have been giving
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steroids to teenagers that perked up the ears of the government and there are phone calls being made and investigation being open into whether he gave drugs and steroids steroids to teenagers. if that happened he is not clear of anything. >> alex rodriguez is not the only player facing suspension. will the others be as long as a-rod's? >> ryan brown braun has been suspended 65 games. 50 games is the initial first suspension for first-time offenders. so the idea of suspending them starting tomorrow is that players on teams expected to make the playoffs could be back for the opening rounds of the playoffs. an example is nelson cruz from the rangers. if he is suspended tomorrow he
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could rejoin the rangers before the playoffs. these are some of the better players in baseball with a couple of all-star on the list. we will have to wait and see. >> rachel nichols we appreciate the insight. thank you. turning to developments on the global terror threat. 22 u.s. embassies and consulates are closed right now. and cnn learned that the u.s. will keep them closed through to august 10th. al qaeda might be on the verge of launching a major attack. a message triggered the security concerns. it sparked a worldwide travel alert for americans. let's bring in emily schmidt from washington. the state department decided to close those embassies and consulates just for sunday and now it will be extended through next weekend. what changed? >> they always said when they
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said it would be on sunday there was a possibility for extensions. we saw there would be indeed be extensions. it is doing so out of an abundance of caution. it is not an indication of a new threat stream. there is word from the state department about what will happen with the embassy closings. 19 will be closed through saturday august 10th. that is next saturday including new locations that were not closed today. but nine posts that were closed today will be allowed to reopen tomorrow. we are learning about what led to the shut downs. this is coming from barbara starr reporting an intercepted message that came in the past few days caused the concern. cnn agreed to a request not to go into details about the message because of the sensitivity but we know that this message was a critical factor in leading to the shutdown but not the only
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factor. u.s. officials have seen increased threats from yemen for weeks and today is an important day on the muslim calendar. and there have been in this region major prison breaks, leaving al qaeda members behind bars now unaccounted for. this was an unprecedented move and on the sunday morning talk shows we saw something we didn't see in washington, agreement between democrats and republicans who said they think the administration did the right thing. president obama was at camp david much of the weekend celebrating his birthday but he is back in washington now. the white house says he has been briefed about the threat and his national security team has met to discuss it. we are keeping an eye on this developing story out of pakistan. a red alert was issued for the capital city of islamabad.
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two officials tell cnn they have information about a likely attack on a high value target. >> just as you're coming to me now there are helicopters flying overhead in the capital city. what i can tell you from the officials they tell us that surround the capital city and t they overlook key installations, military installation and government buildings too. >> we'll certainly keep you updated with new developments on that story as we learn them. we have new video just in to cnn. watch as tourists at a popular west coast board walk are run over by a car and police say it was deliberate. a live report and much more of this new video is next.
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beat down on a school bus, students throwing punches, video as parents prepare to send their kids back to school. at a these chevys are moving fast. i'll take that malibu. yeah excuse me, the equinox in atlantis blue is mine! i was here first, it's mine. i called about that one, it's mine. mine! mine. it's mine. it's mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. it's mine! no it's not, it's mine! better get going, it's chevy model year-end event. [ male announcer ] the chevy model year-end event. the 13s are going fast, time to get yours. current chevy truck owners can trade up to this chevy silverado all-star edition with a total value of $9,000. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this.
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angeles. we are learning that this is deliberate. >> let's go ahead and look at this video from a nearby is restaurant and it confirms what all the witnesses have said. and that is that this driver was on a deliberate intent to inflect mass casualties. he drove around barriers in an effort to try to hit pedestrians. the suspect is nathan campbell who is charged with murder. he turned himself into santa monica police last night. this is the venice board walk which is usually filled with people shoulder to shoulder on a summer's evening. that is the suspect's car right there. it looks to be a dodge charger. he got in and out of this car repeatedly before driving on to the board walk. just about two hours after the incident he reportedly walks into a police station in santa monica and says, quote,
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according to a law enforcement source, i think you are looking for me. police say campbell was absolutely bent on doing evil and by every witness account he deliberately ran into and over his victims. let's listen. >> he just drove and took the left turn down the center of the board walk and just started driving and bodies were scattering and flying in the air and people were screaming and it was absolute mayhem. >> and police also saying this could be far worse in terms of the casualties because on a summer evening around sunset there are so many people on that board walk. right now detectives are not releasing whether they have any sort of motive in this terrible tragedy here in venice, california on a summer evening. back to you. >> what a heinous crime. paul, and this is really tragic as well, one woman apparently on her honeymoon was killed in this
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hit and run. what do we know about the victim? >> we know that she is from italy and her name is alice gruppioni. she was there visiting the board walk with her fiance. and according to several news reports, alice is a daughter of a entrepreneur and former vice president of the bologna football or soccer club. her fiance is in the hospital but his injuries are not serious at this time. >> absolutely tragic. we appreciate the update. the body of a snowboarder killed on mounlt hood has been recovered. rescuers using chain saws and ice picks found the body under as much as ten feet of snow and ice earlier today. he was killed yesterday when an ice tunnel collapsed on top of
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him. an ohio death row inmate was found dead in his cell days before he was set to be executed. he was found hanging in his cell this morning in cleveland. the prosecutor asked the parole board to grant him clemency. the board and ohio's governor denied the request. congress heading out of town and doing little to shed a negative nickname. we're talking about that next. >> this week, a space age archaeologist is being called a real life indiana jones. >> i take them on digs. >> armed with satellite technology she is shedding new light on ancient egypt. >> this invisible world comes to life when you process the satellite data.
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. welcome back. just before congress left town friday for the summer recess. the republican house voted for the 40th time to repeal at least a portion of obamacare.
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the critics write or should the president be reaching out more to make sure things get done? let's talk about this with errol lewis and anna navarro. let's start with you, anna, not much gets done in d.c. these days, does it? >> listen, anna, when congress wants to do something, they do. when they want to do nothing, they do. when they want to do things in a hurry they do, and when they want to do things slowly, they do. they have a full agenda of what they must do and hopefully they will get to it. with the approval ratings that congress has right now, most americans are breathing a sigh of relief they are gone and not in washington doing anything. >> but you have to say they're fed up. a cnn poll gives congress an approval rating of 17%.
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the president's approval rating has dropped to 46%. mr. obama is not in a strong position when it comes time to cut a budget deal or avoid a government shutdown. >> he is not doing great but he is never going to run for political office again in his life and congress has to run in about a year and a half. and that adds strength to the president's position. and during this five-week break, congress is going to get an earful and this is your chance if you want to get in on this and tell your member of congress, you know, keep blocking progress if that's what you want or get on the stick and make some deals. this is your chance to do it. and i'd like to think that aside from junkets and fundraising they will be listening. >> there is an unhappiness with
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washington but i want to turn to another story, ana, your home state of florida, jesse jackson has had tough criticism for florida in the wake of the george zimmerman verdict calling it the selma of our time and said it was an apartheid state and called for a boycott. what is your reaction to his comments? >> you know, i think those are inflammatory comments and i think they are inaccurate, frankly. i think they are unfair toward the people of florida. i agree there is work to be done not only in florida but in the entire country. we as a nation have to do better in terms of racial relations. we have to make improvements. but listen, you either make press or you make progress and i feel these type of comments are meant to make press headlines and not to make progress. i think it's unfair to people
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like nelson mandela who served in prison in south africa and lived through apartheid. this is not an apartheid state. we have african-american congress people and lieutenant governor. we have african-americans in every level of state government and police chiefs. they are all over the place. a boycott is a short-side objective. look, a lot of the people who work in the tourism industry in florida happen to be minorities, happen to be women, hispanics and african-americans, they will be hurt the most. it's not just a smart thing to do. >> the florida governor has demanded an apology. jesse jackson says he won't apologize. do you think that jesse jackson is hurting his cause by making these sorts of comments? >> oh, yeah. i'm surprised that any southern governor would fall for what looks to me like a rudimentary
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political trap that jesse jackson has set for him. civil rights leaders have been doing this for a half century. and the governments say it's inflammatory and we need to do something difficult and it's not jesse jackson who convinced a bunch of young people to sit in at the governor's office or jesse jackson who got a boycott started by stevie wonder. he has real problems. and rick scott who was elected with less than 1% of the vote is standing for re-election next year. he has bigger problems than jesse jackson. >> all right, quickly, two political scandals that won't go away. new york mayoral karncandidate anthony weiner and bob filner in
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california. why won't they go away? >> because they are arrogant and stupid and they think they are above the law. they have no common sense and no respect for women, including their wives in the case of anthony weiner who put her out in public to be a lamb let led to slaughter. it's cringe inducing for most women to see this going on. it's a distraction from the important issues that should be discussed in an election for new york mayor or the mayor of san diego should be doing. >> it is cringe-worthy. i agree. is this ego and power? >> look, anthony weiner i interviewed him just this last friday. and he thinks that he's got a chance and indeed hes does have a chance. it's not as good as it used to be to win a democratic primary and perhaps become the mayor. he is taking the best political shot he has ever had to be the
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mayor of new york. that doesn't surprise me from any politician. he is not doing all that well in the polls. he slipped a bit. he is making a bet, though, that the voters want to hear about serious issues and when people bring up the scandal during the debates, the person who brings it up gets booed, not anthony weiner. >> i think i have a better chance at a gold medal in the winter olympics than anthony weiner has of winning in new york at this point. >> ana, errol great talking to you. coming up next, new developments surrounding the terror threat that has closed nearly two dozen embassies and consulates. and a developing story that we are following, word that alex rodriguez will be suspended in a
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matter of hours.
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new developments on the global terror threat keeping the world on edge. 22 u.s. embassies and consulates are closed right now and the u.s. will keep most closed through until august 10th. concerns are rising that al qaeda might be on the verge of launching a major attack. an intercepted message from senior al qaeda operatives triggered the security concerns. we are keeping an eye on this developing story out of pakistan. a red alert was issued for the capital city islamabad. two senior pakistani officials tell cnn they have information about a likely attack on a high-value target. right now pakistani commandos are searching for suspected mill tans in the hills that surround
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islamabad. key buildings are being guarded. in the united states we are waiting official word from major league baseball detailing their decision on whether to suspend one of the game's biggest superstars, alex rodriguez. if some reports are true he is out for the rest of this season and all of next season. that means no a-rod in the new york yankee's line-up until spring of 2015. on the phone with me right now from chicago the man who wrote the "usa today" article on alex rodriguez, bob knightnightengal >> they talked about giving him a lifetime suspension and told alex rodriguez you can accept this or we may impose a lifetime. they decided not do a lifetime
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and can't reach a compromise. so tomorrow they are going to say this is our penalty what are you going to do? he will appeal it and will be allowed to play another 30 games or so while the appeal process will be going on and won't be rendered until september. >> he will be allowed to play. because he is expected to appeal immediately? >> yes, and he is on a flight to chicago tonight and the yankees manager has pencilled him in to the line-up for tomorrow night game against the white sox. >> he will play tomorrow. you are certain of that? >> yeah. he will play while the appeals process is going on. major league baseball is convinced he cheated and tried to thwart the investigation. >> rodriguez is not alone. there are other players named in this suspension.
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will the penalty be the same for everyone? >> no. all the other players will be just for 50 games. and 50 games left in the regular season. that means they will be ab-- wot be able to play for the rest of the year. ryan braun got 65 games a couple weeks ago. everybody else will be 50. >> on friday, a-rod was shouting conspiracy and asking for a settlement. what happens to that now? >> well, you know, he is going to lose about $34 million in this case stands up. he has 20 days to have this heard before an arbitrator. and the arbitrator, fredric horowitz has 20 days to render a decision. if the suspension stands he will lose $34 million.
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>> bob, we appreciate you speaking with us this evening. up next, just in time for the start of school, just what parents don't want to see, a video surfaces of a beat down on a school bus.
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a frightening story for parents as they prepare to put their kids back on a school bus.
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a student was beaten on a bus by three teenagers and despite the pleas for help the driver doesn't break it up. it happened in florida last month and was all caught on tape. peter bernard from wfla has the story. >> reporter: feeling helpless to intervene, the school bus driver pleas for someone to stop a three yoen one beat down and radios in for help. >> i need help in a hurry. >> reporter: the police say three 15-years-old attacked a 13-year-old after that boy told the school officials about their offer to sell him pot. >> leave that boy alone! leave him alone. >> reporter: two and a half weeks after the beating, he's in retirement. >> it's a trying time for me. sleepless nights.
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>> reporter: john moody talked about being unable to do anything to stop the violence. >> the three boys just jumped on him and started pounding on him. it was like i was in shock. >> reporter: in the days after the attack, the gulfport police chief said that he should have assisted the wounded victim. >> he could have check odd the welfare of the child in this case. and he didn't make any effort to do so. >> reporter: but constrained by district policy, moody did what he could. john moody is ready to move on and enjoy retirement with his two grown sons but his attorney says that the police department owes him an apology. >> he would have had to rip them off these young man throwing them into other children. >> reporter: the state attorney says it wasn't like he was
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looking out the window and cleaning his fingernails. the kid got up and left. moody still wonders what if? >> i wanted to help him so bad. >> reporter: 18 years of driving without a problem. moody doesn't want people to judge him on his last day on the job. >> the driver's first responsibility is to call dispatch and should only be involved in their safety is not at risk. the victim suffered a fractured arm. the three teenagers are charged with aggravated battery. it's not something that you see often, but check this out, relentless rain turns to hail and pounds flood waters. we'll reveal all. stay tuned.
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welcome back. denzel washington's new movie "two guns" shot to the top this weekend. it ranked number one at the box office with just over $27 million. the action comedy also stars mark wahlberg. "the wolverine" came in second with 22 million and rounding out the top three, "smurfs 2" bringing in $18 million. in colorado, a day of wild weather. residents won't forget it soon. a blanket of hail laying on top of several feet of flood water. it rained for hours when hail started to fall stones the side of golf balls and baseballs were reported. planning a family budget can be daunting and sticking with it can be a challenge. but the payoff is rewarding.
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in this week's american journey, tom foreman introduces us to a family that met the budget challenge head on. >> reporter: grabbing a pizza on the run is a treat that ellen and joe enjoy but even with modest incomes, a house in brooklyn and two kids it's something they know they can't afford because they are among the rare americans who have put together and follow a household budget. >> i think that i gain a sense of security, a sense that i am able to control a little bit of the uncontrollable future. >> we do try to reevaluate the budget every now and then, every few months to make sure we are hitting the targets. >> reporter: that seemingly simple track can be hard because so many people find the idea unpleasant. >> listen to the word "budget" it's not an appealing word. >> reporter: but amanda says it
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doesn't have to account for every penny, big important items like household expenses, insurance and savings are covered and once they are, the budgeter can confidently spend money on things that he or she simply wants. >> but oftentimes that means we create a life that is a hamster wheel because it is so expensive and hard to maintain. if you create a budget you have an idea what your life should cost so you are not up late at night wondering how to pay the bills. >> reporter: d/b/a wealthier people and conservatives are slightly more likely to track their spending and savings. even those who do budget admit is it hard to start but it's the reward is peace of mind and guilt-free pizza too. a big shake up in major
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league baseball, reports that superstar alex rodriguez is hours away from a seriously long suspension. we'll be discussing it. that's next. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. ink from chase. so you can.
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new this hour, tiger woods just scored a decisive victory. woods won the world golf championships bridgestone invitational for his 79th career tournament victory and giving his son a huge big hug. he will play in the pga championship next week in rochester, new york. we are starting by for official word on major league baseball's all but certain session decisions a suspend one of the game's biggest superstars. the league will probably move to suspend alex rodriguez tomorrow for links to a miami clinic that allegedly provided him with performance-enhancing drugs. terence good to see you. we could get official word any time now. how is the future looking for
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alex rodriguez? >> if bud selig had his way, alex rodriguez would this is about money. and this is about ego. okay? if he takes this deal that baseball wants him to take right now, which he should take by the way, he wouldn't play again until 2015. and not only that, he would lose about $34 million. what he wants to do now, play tomorrow in chicago. here's the problem with that. if he plays tomorrow in chicago or tries to, at the last minute, bud selig still could invoke something called the best interests of baseball clause. if he does there, some feel that alex rodriguez cannot play during an appeal and he would lose $100 million. here's the bottom line. the last five years alex rodriguez did play, he was in steep decline. he knows that. if he waits till 2015 when he's
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nearly 40, being out of baseball for two years, recovering from a bad hip, that could be it for him. that's why he's fighting so fervently to get in there. >> you think he will fight this, he will definitely appeal the suspension? >> yeah, i mean, there's no question about that. i tell you something that's getting lost in the shuffle. there are other players who are going to be suspended who are going to be very hurtful to their teams when they're out of the lineup. the guy that i think of the most is bartolo colon who is the top pitcher and maybe the mvp or is the mvp of the oakland a's who are fighting for a spot to win that division with the texas rangers. that's going to be a huge loss. a guy like nelson cruz, go on down the line. alex rodriguez is the sexy name. >> this controversy's obviously hurt the sport the way that it hurt cycling. do you think baseball will ever be able to rid itself of performance-enhancing drugs? >> well, not just baseball. none of these sports is ever going to rid itself of this type of thing because it's gone around forever.
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people got short memories. going back to the time of the ancient greeks, i'm sure you don't remember the ancient greeks, you weren't around, i wasn't around either. back then in the old olympics, athletes back then were not allowed to have anything in their body except for water. some athletes are doing stuff like eating the testicles of animals which was their version of steroids. and i'd give you further details but i'm sure people out there are eating. >> we don't want to upset people's dinner, exactly. terrence, before you go, let's talk football. a video has surfaced on the internet showing raleigh cooper using a racial slur. he has apologized and has been fined. some teammates still aren't happy. now he's being excused from the team. how big is this going to get? >> you know, i keep thinking every time i hear this, all these people wringing their hands, i think of that line from "casablanca." i'm shocked, i'm shocked, there's gambling in this place!
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there's racial slurs going on all the time. the difference between this one, it was caught on tape, on film. so that's why people are making a big deal about it. not to excuse it but to tell you it's only a big deal because he was caught. >> do you think his career is in jeopardy? >> no. if he can still play -- go back to kerry collins, quarterback for the panthers in 1997. not only did he get caught using a racial slur, he did it twice in the same day against two different teammates. okay? the reason he survived, kerry collins, he could still play. he played another 13 years in the national football league. not for carolina. but it tells you what can happen with this guy as long as he can produce as a wide receiver. >> terrence, you're a man who loves his sport. great talking to you, thank you very much. >> good to see you. >> good to see you too. coming up, a former crime boss will soon learn his fate. plus, several embassies and consulates in the middle east and africa will remain closed through till next weekend.
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we'll catch up on those stories next. people like, maria salazar, an executive director at american red cross. or garlin smith, video account director at yahoo. and for every garlin, thousands more are hired by hundreds of top companies. each expanding the influence of our proud university of phoenix network. that's right, university of phoenix. enroll now. we've got a frame waiting for you. sorry to interrupt, i just want to say, i combined home and auto with state farm, saved 760 bucks. love this guy. okay, does it bother anybody else that the mime is talking? frrreeeeaky! [ male announcer ] bundle home and auto and you could save 760 bucks. alright, mama, let's get going. [ yawns ] naptime is calling my name.
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we are awaiting official word this evening about the professional fate of alex rodriguez. i say official because even though major league baseball is being quiet about their decision to suspend the yankees star infielder, multiple media outlets are saying suspension is coming as early as tomorrow. "usa today" is quoting people close to the case saying a-rod
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is out for at least 215 games. that means he'll be watching his yankees play at least until the 2015 season. the u.s. department is extending the closure of embassies and consulates in the middle east and northern africa, they will remain closed until august 10th. many would have been closed anyway due to the last week of ramadan. a suspected al qaeda plot forced the embassies to beef up security. right now, 22 are on lock-down. the threat has sparked a global travel alert. closing arguments are set to begin tomorrow in the trial of former crime boss "whitey" bulger accused of participating in 19 murders plus a number of other charges in boston. over the past two months jurors heard sometimes gruesome testimony about those murders and saw a few shall we say lively exchanges between bulger and witnesses. on friday, he decided not to take the stand.
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here are five other things you need to know for your week ahead. we're calling it our "weekly five." monday, rapper 50 cent appears in a los angeles court on domestic violence charges and four counts of vandalism. the charges, filed by his girlfriend, stem from an argument the two had earlier this summer. if convicted, the rapper, whose real name is curtis jackson, could be sentenced to up to five years in prison. opening statements get under way on tuesday in the murder trial of army psychiatrist major nidal hasan. he is accused of killing 13 people in a shooting rampage in 2009 at ft. hood, texas. hasan, who is acting as his own attorney, faces the death penalty. for many muslims, wednesday marks the end of the holy month of ramadan. during ramadan, observers fast
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from sunrise to sunset. it's also a time for self-reflection and personal development. thursday is aed, the holiday marking the end of the observance. also thursday, president obama welcomes greece's prime minister to the white house. the men will meet over a number of issues, including getting the greek economy back on track. what kind of new magic does disney have up its sleeve? we'll find out friday when the day 23 expo kicks off in anaheim, california. this year's buzz, a preview of the new animated movies "frozen" and "the good dinosaur." can you imagine running into this on your monday morning commute? dozens of piglets go hog wild after the truck they were in
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gets into a wreck. it happened on an expressway in china. traffic police moved in to corral the piglets but quickly found themselves outnumbered. thank you for your company. anthony bourdain, parts unknown, starts now. for most of my life libya was a word with bad associations. libya meant gadhafi. libya meant terrorism. >> pan am flight 103 went down in a blazing fireball. >> libya meant a bad place where a comical, megalomaniacal dictator was the absolute power. nobody in libya, however, was laughing. >> reports of explosions. >> clashes between rioters and security forces. >> in 2011, what was previously unthinkable happened. the libyan people rose up and fought for their freedom. >> heavy battles raging around the libyan capital.